Episode 55
Love is Always the Answer
In this episode, I conclude the series on The Five Characteristics of a Hero.
1). Forgiveness
2). Faith
3). Purpose
4). Resilence
5). Love
You can have everything, but nothing is of real value without love.
The three types of love I saw in my guests.
- Love of Self
- Love of God
- Love for Others
Each one is an important component of their heroic story.
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Hello and welcome to the Hope Station.
Today, I’m closing out the Five-part series on the Characteristics of Heroes.
You might challenge me with this characteristic.
Is it even a characteristic?
And my answer is, let’s roll with it and see where we land.
What did I add to the list?
I started with forgiveness and then added some faith, purpose, and resilience. What would be a characteristic that would tie all of these together in a pretty bow?
What is an overarching theme in every one of my guests' lives?
What was that center tent pole that held them up when most of them would have collapsed without it?
It’s actually an emotion, but without it, what are we, who are we?
Every hero must have love in their heart and the core of everything they believe.
It’s impossible to forgive without love.
It’s impossible to have faith that is not grounded in love.
It’s impossible to live purposefully without love.
It’s impossible to build up resilience without love.
Love is what ties us all together.
nguage Film and Best Actor in:Love does make the world go round. Love also takes heroes' focus away from their own problems and finds solutions with far-reaching impacts.
This movie is so beautiful, pun intended, and depicts the story of a hero whose focus is on keeping his son alive and hidden in a concentration camp during World War 2. He had a great love for his son, and his purpose was to keep him alive. He showed resilience in keeping up the fantasy that all was well when it wasn’t. He had faith that this fantasy would keep his son alive and unafraid; yes, there were times when forgiveness was necessary.
The love I saw in my guests was on three different levels:
1. Love of Self
2. Love of God
3. Love of Others
Self-love can get a bad rap. Without self-love, we don’t have a self.
When you’re in pain, you must love yourself to find a remedy.
When you’re faced with a personal challenge that is making your life hard to live, self-love keeps you working towards a solution.
When survival is essential, self-love will help you endure.
Too often, self-absorption is confused with self-love.
Loving yourself ensures you eat, get enough sleep, find a safe place to live, find a job to sustain you, and do what you can to take care of your health, wealth, and relationships.
Without a healthy love for yourself, you’ll stay in abusive relationships.
Without self-love, you will continue to do things that are not good for you – drugs, alcohol, and dangerous behaviors.
Without self-love, you give up, as several of my guests admitted they were ready to do.
The second common love was the love of God. My guests might not have started with a strong love relationship with the Lord. Trials have a way of feeling God has abandoned you, stopped loving you, and doesn't see your pain or hear your pleas.
Once my guests realized that the Lord had every desire to heal them, but He wanted a deeper healing, a heart and soul healing, not just a physical healing.
With that love for God, they could see His hands and heart at play in their lives. There is a song that says God is never late and never early. He is always just on time, His time, the Right time, the time that you are ready for His healing.
Through all their challenges, my guests had a deeper love of the Lord and a deeper faith. Their challenges refined them. Their challenge was something they needed to learn and something that they are now teaching.
The last kind of love – love for others.
Stepping out of their darkest times and into the light, they are now shining on a path of recovery and renewal for others. So many could have kept their healings to themselves, but unselfishly and bravely, they are sharing their journey, all the pain and hard times, in hopes of making others' journeys easier to navigate.
Self-love, Godly Love, and selfless love by giving their solutions to others are all part of the hero’s journey.
Do you have a hero's journey? A time when you’ve used your pain to help others ease theirs.
If so, thank you. We need more heroes in this world. They care enough to love others and step out in faith to forgive, learn, heal, teach, share, and become the best versions of themselves so they can help you become your best version.
What I’ve loved is doing this Podcast. Bringing stories and lessons of hope.
Right now, I’m taking a pause as I open my heart, mind, and soul to new possibilities and possibly a different topic.
I’ll keep you posted as I sort out my next steps. This has been a wonderful journey. I would love to hear from you as to how this podcast has impacted your life. Your comments might be just what I need to keep going.
So, thank you, as always, for pulling into The Hope Station. I wish you all the best and for you to find hope in every aspect of your life.